Mittwoch, 4. Mai 2011

New, easier to read blog update! Here's my April!

Hi, everyone,

Wow, I have a whole month to update you on. That's how long it's been since the last post on 25th March. In that time, quite a few things have gone on but I'll TRY to keep it short.

Twitter insult

Ever woken up the night after a night out and said “My God, what have I done?”
That's exactly what I said to myself on the morning after a night out a couple of weeks ago after I managed to offend every female friend I have here in Hamburg. They woke up outraged after I branded them “stupid bitches!” on Twitter!
After they got over the initial shock, some decided to write me angry Facebook, Twitter messages back.
I was horrified myself and took the tweet down straight away. Dunno, what got into me there but they're actually used to me calling them “babe” and “babes” or even “baby” - sometimes it's “darlin'”, in fact.
What I was trying to say on Twitter was express that I think females tend to stick together when it really comes to it. And so do the boys, I might add. This wasn't true in this case though. Someone put that idea in my head. I've now learnt to keep well away from Twitter after a few drinks. Luckily, I've got good friends; one of them explained to me that after waking up furious, she then came to realise that it was a drunk Leo. Being drunk's no excuse though, as I mentioned in my apology which was posted to both Facebook and Twitter. Glad that one's all cleared up anyway.

Flatmate's banging habits

I would like to add my flatmate on Facebook when I leave Germany (I'm pretty sure she has it). Great idea, but it will be a bit of a worry once she's added. Especially if she discovers that everytime she's had sex – sex which has been overheard by me – it's been plastered all over Facebook and this blog.
I normally wouldn't do this but she really does pick her moments. Take last week, as I was waking up at 4am to get to the airport to catch my 7am flight to London. She was up at that time too. 'Ok, fine', I thought. But she was in the shower, which I thought was a bit weird. Why the hell's she showering at that time of the morning?, I was thinking.

Oh, yeah, I might have known! As I was leaving, there she was next door. Her way of saying 'bye'? 'She could have waited 30 seconds and she would have had complete privacy,' I said to myself. *Rolls eyes* - Anyway, I'll miss her.

My school wins first prize

Not much been happing in school over the last month, apart from this: My school's 8. Klasse winning first prize for their Spanish film. And then another when they performed a stage version of it to a audience in the hall of the ugliest school ever in Mümmelmannsberg, Hamburg. It was long day but worth it after they beat off nearly every school in Hamburg. This competition happens every year in German schools, in which schools compete to make the best short foreign language film. Something which just wouldn't happen in Britain, I was actually very impressed! So they left with two first prizes. Now, they will go on to perform at a national level in Magdeburg in June to compete again schools from across Germany.

London & Royal Wedding

So I returned to Hamburg from London on Monday evening. I spent Easter there. It was a nice, long break and we were treated to splendid weather on most days.
My boyfriend and I did a country drive to a country mansion in Essex last Sunday, but Friday was the day to look forward to. What with this Royal Wedding that was due to happen.
I won't say I flew into the hype by flying into the UK, because there was just as much, if not more, in Germany. There certainly was hype in Britain though with only a week to go. I bought Union flags from the pound shop and then began to get quite excited about Friday.

On the day, we left the house at around 10am to go to Hyde Park. Not many people on the streets. We now know why – 25 million people watched it. Hyde Park was great with thousands of people gathered around the three giant screens they had up – we arrived just after Kate left the hotel. I also missed the point at which Kate and Wills were declared 'man and wife,' because I was off buying booze.

I felt nothing but happiness for this future Queen of ours as she left Westminster Abbey as a princess. Shortly after that, the party in Hyde Park began and it was the moment when everyone came together to wave flags, drink and dance. A great day. I continued to walk around with my flag all day as it's not everyday that days like this come around for us.

First Anniversary

The next day it was all back to normal but I had a surprise to look forward to. For our first anniversary, my boyfriend told me that he'd arranged somewhere special for us.

We walked past the Centre Point tower in the heart of London and he stopped to take pictures of it. I got restless wondering why he was wasting his time. The reason was - that was the place!
A restaurant that sits at the very top would be where we'd celebrate. I was very impressed and London looked fabulous from above. As you may know, I love my home city of London so it meant a lot. Plus, we managed to get a table by the window which looked out to the west of the city – at sunset. Great times!


I did start to panic a few weeks ago after the photo in my passport started to peel away from the laminate. Anyone who's seen my passport knows it's look like shit for a long time ever since it went for a dip in the beer in 2007. I only got it in 2006. I then learnt not to put it in bags with beer when travelling intercity. It's not just that though; I think it's been out on every wild night out since I started uni. I've got no other formal ID, you see.

I was worrying because I'm travelling quite a bit these days. Phoned the British embassy and stuff. They said replace it. I said there's no time because I don't have a week or two to wait – I'm travelling at 2 week intervals from now. I decided to take the risk and when I returned to the UK, I asked the immigration officer. She didn't look at it the first time but when I asked her, she then gave me a bollocking. Anyway, it's been fine going and coming, I WILL change it when I'm back in the UK for good in September.

May Plans

I will be back in London in two weeks time but, this time to play tour guide. The 10. Klasse from my school are to make the trip (by coach) to London to see the sights and practice their English. I'll be there as a sort of guide and to escort the boys of the class to Wembley Stadium, as the two female teachers have no intentions of doing it.
I'll be flying in, not coming on the coach with the rest of them. I could have one on the coach for free but I bough a plane ticket just last week. That's how much I don't want to do that coach journey both ways. It's going to take them at least 15 hours each way, what with all the stops they'll have to take. Plus, I've just come from London. No thank you!

For the moment though, I'm back in Hamburg and it's exactly one month before that one way flight to Paris. I'm determined to make the next month here, an unforgettable one. We had lovely weather here before I went to London so I'm hoping for some more.

If you're into UK politics like me, you'll know that the AV referendum will take place tomorrow 5th May in the UK. I ran around to get the application to Croydon, which enables my mum to vote on my behalf. Tonight, she announced on the phone that she won't vote for me because she "can't be bothered and because Yes2AV will lose anyway". I'm sure she will though ;) 

Also, one of my FAVOURITE TV show, 'The Apprentice' is coming back to BBC One on May 11th. I'm so happy, it feels like it only finished the other day. It was actually before Christmas. Time flies. 

And lastly, I will leave Germany on a direct flight to Paris on 2nd June. Sad time - I'll be sure to update you guys again before then. 

Take it easy, people :) xxx

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