German bank account - Well, there's a couple of hundred left in that and the rent's paid so that's one thing off my mind.
I didn't max out my British account boozing as you'd probably guess but booking a flight HOME for crimbo and New Year!!! Yay, I'm so happy!
That doesn't mean I don't have any thing to look forward to over the next two months in Hamburg.
On Saturday, my baby randomly booked a flight to come here in TWO WEEKS :D
He was already meant to come in four weeks but now the wait's been cut down which makes us both happy :)
I can't wait to see him - in the flesh again (Skype's still serving us well).
So that's that. I'll update you on my weekend now and Saturday night was a crazy one! Thankx to the website for ex-pats living in Germany from all the English speaking countries of the world, I had someone to go out with...
Frazier is from the East Coast of America and was up for a night out. He has a pretty demanding job and doesn't know many people in Hamburg yet. Anyway, he came to my place and we sat and had drinks with my flatmate and watched a bit of the boxing before heading out to the Reeperbahn.
Before we left, my flatmate treated us to some homemade vodka he has here, courtesy of his girlfriend's parents' house in Ukraine.
Strong stuff! Between 50 and 60% percent and it certainly did its work on me!
We went on to visit about 4 different bars on and around the Reeperbahn, including the 99 cent bar (every drink 99 cent).
Not surprisingly, it was totally packed and we left to try and get into the famous 'Funky Pussy Club.' Didn't get in though and I can't rememeber the excuse they used. I believe it was that it was already too full inside. Anyhow, that didn't stop us and the night came to a close at 5am with me finally getting to bed at 6am.
Yesterday, I was "out of action" due to a stinking hangover! Same again next week though, I should imagine.
The mates are coming round tonight for a bit. That's nice. I haven't seen them since Thursday after they pissed off to Frankfurt for the weekend leaving me.
So school's back on in other news. I'm happy in a way 'cause I was getting a bit bored hanging around the flat all day, everyday (although I wasn't complaining about the lie-ins) and when I did go out, it just meant money. Now it's back to what I came here to do. I am, however looking forward to getting up in front of the classes and doing some proper "teaching." I'll soon get bored of just sitting at the back of the class. Maybe I should come up with some ideas of things I wanna do with them then.
I'm so pissed they already know 'Head, shoulders, knees and toes' lol.
I've been told that I'll be working mainly with the little ones and the 8th class (I think that's Year 9 in England) I still get confused when working out with class is which in the English system.
After Christmas, I'll move on to work with the older ones mainly working on mainly speaking practice before their exams in May. I'm fine with the younger ones for now - They're funny! And you know me, I like a laugh! ...Even in the morning!
Until next time people
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